Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mac World 08' - MacBook Air

Yesterday, Mac World 08' kicked off in spectacular glory. It was phenomenal as usual. Steve Jobs just has a way about him, that instills with you with the utmost confidence that Apple will never let you down. Every MacWorld I remember has lived up to some sort of hype going all the way back to the iPod. If you haven't already seen it, you can check it out the keynote here. He had four agendas to share with the public.
  1. Reveiew of 07' / Lepoard
  2. Iphone/Ipod
  3. Apple TV
  4. Air
The most interesting topic was the MacBook Air. It is the slimmest notebook in the history of laptops weighing in 3.0 lbs, and less then an inch thick. It can literally fit in an office envelope. You would think at this point, what components of the computer did they compromise in order to make this notebook so small? Nothing. They didn't compromise anything. They have a 13.3" screen, 2GB RAM, 80 GB hard disk, full size keyboard, and a full size display. What about the processor? It's a 60% smaller core 2 duo! Intel really pulled a rabbit out of a hat with this remarkable work of engineering. In fact, the whole electronics of the MacBook is as long as a pencil and as wide as a crayon. Just incredibly small.

Good work Apple, you keep finding ways to entice me into buying your products.

1 comment:

chiaboy said...

Been a while since your last post, my friend. Eagerly awaiting the next installment.